
Types of software architects

허니몬 2011. 1. 1. 16:56
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Types of software architects

The enterprise architect handles business-related software decisions that frequently can involve multiple software systems within an organization, spanning several projects teams, and often at more than one site. The Enterprise Architect may seldom see or interact with source code.

An application architect works with a single software application. This may be a full- or a part-time role. The application architect is almost always an active software developer.

Other similar titles in use, but without consensus on their exact meaning, include:

The table below indicates many of the differences between various kinds of software architects:

Architect TypeStrategic ThinkingSystem InteractionsCommunicationDesign
Enterprise Architect Across Projects Highly Abstracted Across Organization Minimal, High Level
Solutions Architect Focused on solution Very Detailed Multiple Teams Detailed
Application Architect Component re-use, maintainability Centered on single Application Single Project Very Detailed

In the software industry, as the table above suggests, the various versions of architect do not always have the same goals.[1]

Architect(아키텍트)에도 여러종류가 있구나. 나에게 어울리는 타입은 뭘까?
중간적인 위치라고 볼 수 있는 Solution Architect가 어울리는 것 같다.
목표는 Enterprise Architect로 해야겠다.